The bike shipped to home
List the bike shipped to home
Once it was completed he had the bike shipped to home to new york...this bike was in great condition with only original miles...he had the bike shipped from california to kentucky to undergo a full restoration...
$ 55005085570152
Its home to the original matching numbers 2...everything in the interior is in working order with exception of the clock...the undercarriage was restored and is nicely detailed throughout...
The car was shipped and we had possession in a few short days... philip, georgia - corvette coupe i purchased a used vehicle sight unseen from d&m and had it shipped to my door...length > 0 ? _cargigigv_photourls[0]:...
$ 79995
The car was shipped and we had possession in a few short days... philip, georgia - corvette coupe i purchased a used vehicle sight unseen from d&m and had it shipped to my door...seller assumes no responsibility...
$ 500
This does not apply to vehicles shipped out of state, only ones picked up in florida...also if you have the vehicle shipped to you and it is not what i described, i will refund your purchase price + $...
$ 10650